Souvenirs D'enfance - Paul de Senneville

Ah ya this little boy can play so well..! found this clip on You Tube. Oki it is just so happen that i've the music score ( must have downloaded from some music site)heheh and yess i've decided to learn this song.
Erm before you start wondering why am i still on such a easy piece.. i've to justify, "To all painist out there..i'm still a beginner (Self taught hehe) and i've been playing for not more than 3 years"

OK first part of the song was a success, i manage to get it right after few hours of practice. BUTTT i am now stuck when it comes to the long arpeggios (that you have to play the keys in a roll, running simultaneously in the two hands.) DAMN i've to admit i'm a "OG" (Old Gal) fingers are so stiff! It is so difficult to hit the keys fast and accurately! All i can say is to keep on practicing..and i hope i don't get all my fingers cramp!
Sunday, October 4, 2009